Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ending up being a Complete Piano Player

 In order to become a complete piano player, it's going to take a tremendous amount of dedication and practice. It is easy to say that one wants to be an expert at something. It's the work required to achieve that level of skill that often puts many people off. To master a skill, you have to put in the hours. It is, without sugar coating it, hard work! And this is exactly what becoming a complete piano player is, hard work. You will need countless hours practicing each day of the month and it might take years before you can become good enough to be considered as an expert player.
Of course having a tutor who is not only good at teaching but an expert piano player also helps. But having a savant as a teacher can only get you so far. They can listen to you play, tell you where you are going wrong and what you need to do to get to where you want to be. Being guided by someone who already knows the way to success is much better and faster than trying to find your own way. But the re - invention of the wheel aside, it will greatly depend on your talent, hard work, dedication and willingness to learn to get you to expert level.
The best advice you could ever get is, practice. Deliberate and never ending practice. It is only when you are well versed in an art form can you actually add your personality to it. Once you know the instrument in and out. What keys go where, and how piece them all together to make magical sounds, only then can you play around with rules adding your own originality and creativity. But to get to this level of comfortability, you need to practice. Relentless practice makes your mastery of the art much easier and faster.
Learning to listen to yourself play also comes in great handy. You need to be able to hear and feel the songs. Know and feel which notes come next. They say that learning to play the piano through 'hearing' the music is a much faster and more effective manner of learning the instrument. Once you can hear the music, you can learn to manipulate it into proper sounding melody. Of course being able to read and write music is an essential part of becoming a complete piano player. But this should be covered in your piano lessons for beginners.
To become an expert at anything, you have to have fanatical dedication. This means that even when you are not physically practicing your keys and familiarizing yourself with the keyboard, you are doing something related to playing the piano. Reading articles about how to be a better player, reading songs and playing the notes in your head, teaching a basic class or taking additional lessons related to playing the piano. By doing this, you are incorporating playing the piano in your very essence as a human being. Once it is part of you, becoming an expert, complete piano player is not so far off. As long as you keep at it!

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